Wednesday 6 July 2011

Blogs, Blogs, Blogs

Okay, so I have never even thought about how to go about running a blog. There's a few reasons for that and guess I'll list them for you, simply because lists are cool and appeasing to the eyes of fickle internet readers such as ourselves.

1. I don't expect many people will read it. Call it self-deprecation but why would a complete stranger care about my opinion? It's not a professional opinion, that's for sure.
2. Until recently I haven't had much reason to want to bring anything to anyone's attention. Nothing I wanted to scream out from the roof tops. Saying that, can we make an effort to replace that saying to 'blog about on the internet'? It's obviously a much more effective and common place method of letting your feelings be known in today's social media obsessed world. Really, who shouts from the roof tops any more?
3. I was too lazy.
4. I didn't know how to use the internet to promote such a thing. Thanks to the devil (and by the devil I mean Yell) I now understand the concepts of SEO, social media marketing and various other techniques to try get myself noticed. And if anyone with their own blog says they're not doing this to get noticed, do them a favour and call them on their bullshit.

Anyway, thanks to seeing various friends succeeding on a pretty decent level ( - check these guys out, unique writers and a very talented editor), I decided to have a pop at blogging for myself. I've written a blog or two for HOWL but this is simply here to discuss whatever the hell is bounding around the fringes of my mind. That means music, sports, love, life and wrestling (yes, wrestling!).

Oh, my name's Greg and it is bloody splendid to meet you.

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